Apartment Listing Set Up

Apartment Profiles That Give Renters Confidence

We do the research for our users. 

We understand that an apartment to call home is more than just four walls; it's about the life you live in it. Our team dives into the details, asking rich questions to thoroughly understand what it's like to be a part of that apartment community. We're dedicated to unraveling the individual features and commitments that make each community special, to match renters to their new residence.

Examples of questions we get answered:
  • What are the residents' favorite amenities?
  • What are the biggest benefits of living at the property?
  • What is included with rent?
  • Which pieces are included in your bedroom furniture package?
  • How far is the community from campus or other key local landmarks?
  • What are the best neighborhood spots nearby... coffee shops, grocery
    stores, entertainment, local food favorites, parks/trails?
  • Does you offer roommate matching? What is that process like?

Composing Helpful Listing Content

Unlike many of the other apartment searches out there, we don't copy and paste from the apartment community's website. Curated from our team's research, each listing is unique from all other content on the web and proprietary to the local Apartments For website. We aim to tell the apartment community's story in a way that will connect with their ideal audience, so that you know when you've found "the one."

The Visual

Completing the renting process start-to-finish digitally has become commonplace. Apartments For collaborates with apartment communities to present renters with the most up-to-date photos, videos, and 3DX tours, for the full virtual experience. From the exterior and amenities, to convenient points for residents, and detailed interiors, renters will know the community before stepping into the leasing office.

Picture this:
  • Apartment exteriors (ex. buildings, balconies, outdoor areas of interest) 
  • Every amenity offered
  • Key points of convenience for residents throughout the property (ex. dog cleanup stations, mail room, package lockers, carport/garage offerings)
  • Apartment interiors (ex. kitchen, living room area, bathrooms)
  • Apartment finishes (ex. flooring style, wall color, appliances, light fixtures)
  • Photos that showcase the floor plan (long shot of living area showing where bedrooms/laundry/kitchen are located)
Record Views:

When it comes to building renter confidence in their future apartment, video content makes the biggest impact. If available, an apartment community property video or even an incredible TikTok walk through tour, makes an Apartments For listing an even more trustworthy source. Looking to reach the next generation of renters? Apartments For offers full-service video production.

Learn More About Video Production

Final Check and Approval

We then bring the apartment listing proof back to the on-site team, asking them to proof our work for any information that needs to be corrected or improvements that can be made. The team comes back to us with edits and suggestions for improvements (hey, can you mentioned our upcoming renovations?). Once we're certain everything is correct, the listing is made live and available for renters utilizing ApartmentsFor's local apartment guides. 

The Upkeep 

Our job doesn't end there. We keep listings accurate by updating pricing on a monthly basis and following up with the property throughout the year to stay up to date on any renovations, apartment upgrades, or changes in offerings and amenities. Many of our online apartment listings are integrated directly with the apartment Property Management Software (PMS) system, so we receive pricing updates daily as they fluctuate. For apartments that do not have PMS integration technology available, our team checks in with them once per month via phone call where we run through all current pricing and available specials. 

Learn More About Integrations

We work tirelessly to bring you the best online listings, so your apartment search is filled with confidence. At ApartmentsFor, we believe a search website is only as good as its data, and it's our mission to create and curate the best resource on the web. Your journey to finding the perfect apartment starts here – with ApartmentsFor!