Pictures are worth… potentially extra leases!


It’s easy for apartments advertising on Swamp Rentals, or anywhere else for that matter – to overlook the importance of photography. When you’re constantly driven to look for the “next big thing,” sometimes can be more advantageous to start looking at the little things.

A few weeks back, I was meeting with one of our clients, and we noticed that his capture rate was lower than similar that of similar apartment communities. Essentially, for every 100 potential renters looking at his page, fewer were asking Swamp Rentals for his contact information than were asking for contact information of other apartment communities. Additionally, we noticed in our Google Analytics account that the average amount of time users were spending on his page was half of what the average apartment page was receiving.

They have a great apartment with good prices and a phenomenal location, so the numbers simply didn’t make sense. Something was wrong with the information in the listing. With one look, we determined that his property photos had to go.

Less than a week later, we had a photographer on site and pictures online. Immediately the time that users spent on his site doubled, and his capture rate increased.