Victoria Iyamu

Social Media Rep


Photo of Victoria Iyamu

Professional Bio

Meet Victoria Iyamu, a second-year student at the University of Central Florida majoring in‬ Computer Science with a Minor in Legal Studies! With a bright future ahead, Victoria is exploring‬ career paths in software engineering, legal technology, and technology law, aspiring to find a‬ meaningful space where she can make a lasting impact.‬

But Victoria’s talents and interests extend far beyond coding and legal studies. A natural‬ creative, she’s been passionate about content creation since high school—editing YouTube‬ videos, capturing special moments for her church’s media team, and, most recently, taking on‬ the role of Social Media Representative for 407apartments. For Victoria, this position isn’t just‬ another opportunity—it’s a chance to explore the exciting world of content creation and discover‬ new possibilities in the field.‬

On UCF’s campus, Victoria serves as Historian on the executive board of the National Society‬ of Black Engineers, managing social media and creatively documenting the organization’s‬ events. She has also showcased her diverse skill set as a former Mock Trial competitor and‬ Basketball Club member, reflecting her adaptability and team-driven approach.‬

Outside of school and work, Victoria loves staying active—whether it’s at the gym, running, or‬ playing sports. She’s also a global citizen at heart, with a love for exploring cultures and‬ languages. Well versed in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, and Edo (a language from‬ Nigeria), she’s even tackling Japanese as part of her coursework.‬

Whether crafting compelling social media content or embracing new challenges, Victoria‬ combines creativity, technical skill, and a passion for helping others. At 407apartments, she’s‬ excited to connect with students, share the best of Orlando, and help them navigate their‬ housing decisions with engaging and insightful content.‬



Photo of Victoria Iyamu


University of Central Florida 2023 - Present

Bachelor of Arts | Computer Science