Are giveaways effective at housing fairs?

Student Housing,

Apartment communities spend thousands of dollars each year on logo items to give out at housing fairs and other marketing events, but have you ever wondered if premiums actually work or which one is the most effective for marketing to UF students? Miriam Rattes, a member of the Street Team, had the same question. She conducted a survey of 73 UF students that asked the following questions. First, she learned that 74% of UF students remembered the brand advertised on the last promotional item they received, so the marketing tool can be effective. Second, she asked the students what giveaways they would be most likely to keep. Here is the list she developed…

Most Popular Logoed Giveaways at UF:
  • T-shirts were chosen by 52% of the respondents
  • Pens: 15%
  • Koozies 12%
  • Water bottles: 12%
  • Cups: 4%
  • Coasters, notepads, and hats each received 1% of the vote. Key chains and magnets however, were not chosen by any respondents.