Renters Aren't Responding to Your Emails

Inspiration, Leadership, Marketing Trends, Student Housing,

Renters are not responding to your staff's emails. They're definitely not responding to your automated templates. This isn't my opinion. It's something that our team has unearthed through detailed research over the last several months. While the news isn't pretty, we have distilled some best practices that could dramatically improve your team's leasing performance.

  1. Drop the templates. I get it… They're easy, and they protect your brand standards. However, our research showed that automated templates generate 87% fewer renter responses than traditional emails. Our assumption is that templates don't work because renters see them as impersonal communication that doesn't answer their questions.
  2. Be personal and answer the prospect's questions. We found hundreds of examples from all across our network where renters asked specific questions that were ultimately ignored by the leasing agent. Some renters even posed the same question on multiple occasions, only to receive the same impersonal response they were sent the first time. We also see odd, impersonal salutations like "Hi John Smith." Who would write that in a normal email?
  3. Get the appointment. Your community is awesome. I agree. But selling is like dating. Don't try to email your prospect 101 reasons to live at your community. Instead, give them just enough to keep them interested, and then invite them for a tour.

A Top Leasing Manager Shares Some of Her Email Secrets


Leasing teams are competitive, and they like to win. iLS network is excited to introduce our Top 5 Leaderboards. These lists celebrate the communities who outperform their peers when it comes to interacting with prospects in the markets we serve. Given that they only cover the past 30 days and are updated in real time, any one of our apartment partners can earn a spot. There is no reason that your team can't be number one. #GameOn

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