Sweet Surprises During Student Housing Turn: How ApartmentsFor Keeps the Move-In Energy High!

Posted By: Georgina Tamburini Local Solutions, News & Events, Student Housing,

At ApartmentsFor, we know that student housing turn is the most intense time of year for apartment communities in college markets. But what exactly is turn season? It’s the critical period between leases ending and beginning, where apartment communities work around the clock to prepare units for incoming residents. The clock is ticking as teams race to transition apartments from one group of students to the next, ensuring everything is perfect before move-in day. But who says hard work can’t come with a sweet treat?

Spreading Joy During Turn

That’s where we come in! ApartmentsFor has always believed in fostering strong relationships with the communities we serve, especially during those high-stress periods like turn season. This year, we decided to bring a bit of joy and relief to the incredible apartment teams who are busy preparing for their new residents. How, you ask? With a sweet surprise—free ice cream!

We didn’t do it alone. We partnered with local ice cream trucks to make the experience even more special. From the moment we rolled into town, we were ready to serve up smiles and frozen treats. Whether it was a sunny afternoon at the University of Florida or a warm evening at the University of Central Florida, we were there, ice creams in hand, ready to give everyone a well-deserved break.

Our Sweet Route

Our Turn-Drops ice cream tour covered some of the top universities in the Southeast, where we made stops at:

Each stop was more than just a visit; it was an opportunity to connect with the amazing apartment teams who work tirelessly behind the scenes. We’re talking about the folks who clean, repair, paint, and do everything else needed to make sure students walk into a fresh, welcoming space.

At ApartmentsFor, we understand that the people who make up these teams are the backbone of the student housing experience. Without them, move-ins wouldn’t be the smooth, exciting event that students look forward to each year. That’s why we’re committed to showing our appreciation.

So, next time you think of student housing turn, remember that it’s not just about the hustle and bustle of preparing apartments. It’s also about the community, the teamwork, and the little moments of fun that keep everyone going. At ApartmentsFor, we’re proud to be part of this process, making sure the hard work doesn’t go unnoticed—and that it’s a little sweeter along the way.

Follow the Fun on Instagram!

Want to see how our 2024 Turn-Drops went? Follow us on Instagram to catch all the behind-the-scenes action and watch our reels showcasing the joy and excitement we brought to apartment communities across the Southeast! You can find us at:

Don’t miss out on the fun—follow along to see how we’re making student housing turn a little sweeter, one scoop at a time!