ApartmentsForLegends Corn Hole Tournament at Bama

Posted By: Jack Gerus News & Events,

It was a beautiful morning. The spring sun shone down on the University of Alabama campus, songbirds heralded the end of March, and everyone on campus could hear a thump, thump, thump emanating from the Student Center plaza as beanbags fell heavy upon fresh boards. Not only did students have Easter weekend to look forward to on this Good Friday, but the ApartmentsForLegends corn hole tournament as well. Nothing wakes up Tuscaloosa, Alabama quite like a competition.

As the student body migrated to and from classes, some chose to compete for the prize while others were simply seeking more information about how to move into the apartment of their dreams for Fall ’24. Most of these young men and women were freshmen and sophomores, and in the midst of selecting where they would call home for the next academic year. I had the pleasure of giving them a rundown of and answering the multitude of questions they had about the off-campus housing search. They will no doubt be turning to Tuscaloosa’s premier apartment guide as they finish this semester and prepare to live life off campus.

But it wasn’t all fun and games. Dozens of these students tried their hand at AFL corn hole, the classic cookout competition with a twist. With a few warmup throws and eight bags apiece to score as many points as possible, the challengers were ready. Though many competed valiantly, there could only be one winner… or so I thought. Mere minutes before the end of the tournament, one contender appeared, and with a southern drawl declared that he was there to throw some bags. Sinking one after another into the hole, he tied the day’s high score. After his impressive feat of hand-eye coordination, the foundation was laid for a coming showdown between these two lawn game legends.

It wasn’t just students that were interested in our setup in the UA Student Center plaza. Before I had even gotten the table put together, parents fresh off campus tours with their students were asking questions about ApartmentsForLegends and our role in helping students find off-campus housing. I got to explain how, after their freshman year, their students had access to the ultimate resource to find a new home with the amenities, price, and location that they wanted without any hassle. I had the opportunity to answer many questions about our mission and the unique touch we bring to local apartment hunting. Hopefully, I put the minds of some parents at ease as well.